Healing for Body, Mind & Soul

Receive healing wherever you are


Healing through intention, focus, divine energies and the grace of the Creator.

The best of my services

I offer energy healing in the form of distant sessions for adults, children and pets.

Lotus flower

Distant Healing for Humans

Group or private. Daily or weekly. The most recommended healing service is the 30 days of daily healing.


Distant Healing for Pets

I offer energy healing also for pets, currently for cats and dogs.


Free Weekly Healing

Experience the healing before deciding for more healing. Feel free to join it regularly as well.

Energy healing can have many far-reaching benefits, by releasing root causes and blockages.


You attract based on your energy.

You can attract much better, much more positive energies into your life, if you take care of your own energy first: cleanse your energy, remove dark, negative, low vibrating energies, raise and keep raising your vibration higher and higher. Receiving energy healing, especially on a regular daily basis, can help tremendously in becoming a beautiful vibrant energy, which then attracts more of such energies in the form of people, events, opportunities, experiences, perception, for an increasingly better life. How you feel changes, what you attract changes.

Stop being in a stagnant energy, which attracts more similar energies. Get the help of a professional energy healer and experience the numerous benefits of energy healing.

Energy Bodies, Aura & Chakras

We have a physical body, but we also have energetic (energy) bodies – the majority of people can’t see the more subtle energies, but some people can for example perceive the chakras, or see the aura of humans, animals, plants, mountains. Taking proper care of the overall energetic body is of big importance and can affect your overall health, wellbeing and spiritual growth.

There are many practices that act on different aspects of the energy body, some well known are for example asanas (yoga postures), pranayama exercises (breathwork) and meditation.

Energy healing is kind of a special type of energetical massage and much more. It can be performed without the need of physical touch and focuses on working with the various aspects of the energy bodies. Through the process of energy work, it is not only possible to release various energy blockages, emotional and mental tensions (low vibrational disharmonious energies), but also to support spiritual growth and expansion.

How would it feel and what would it mean to you, if what is holding you back energetically, would not be there anymore? If it would be healed, released, transmuted?

The Core of Energy Healing

It’s highly recommended to cleanse, balance and strengthen your AURA and CHAKRAS on a regular basis! When I do energy healing sessions, I always include energy work for the aura and chakras. We want to release everything that does not belong, that is influencing us in some negative way.

Eating healthy only once per week, is much less effective or beneficial than eating healthy every day. In the same way, the more good things are done on the energy level for your energy bodies, ideally daily (not just once per week or even less often), the better for you and the more positive benefits you will notice.


Frequently Asked Questions

Your most important questions answered.


What is energy healing?

Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves manipulating the body’s energy fields to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. It is based on the idea that the human body is surrounded and permeated by a subtle energy system, often referred to as the biofield, which plays a crucial role in maintaining health. The ultimate goal of energy healing in the yogic tradition is to achieve a state of purity, harmony, and balance in body, mind, and spirit.


Who is it for?

For those who desire to better themselves, who are ready to release and let go of their heavy baggage, who want to start feeling better and experience positive shifts in their life. Transform yourself, transform your life. Energy healing makes the necessary work on the energy level first, and the outer physical reality will then have no other choice, but to reflect those changes back to you.


Does it work?

According to many testimonials and regular clients: yes, it does! I believe, a good first step is to join the free healing session, which is once per week, and experience it for yourself. Everyone is different, some experience bigger and faster effects than others. Some are more energy sensitive than others, some are more open to allowing and accepting energy healing. It doesn’t matter how energy sensitive you already are or aren’t, it is not what determines the effectiveness of the energy healing. What matters is your own personal experience of the effects on your unique path through life, no matter how far you have already come and how far you still have to go.


Should I try it?

Absolutely! You are here for a reason! Feel free to try the free weekly distant group energy healing first. And if it feels right for you, join others who are taking the fast path of manifesting positive transformations, by receiving daily energy healing sessions over a longer period of time. If you can afford just one single 1 on 1 healing session, then you can afford a whole month of daily healing sessions with me (because right now it’s still the same price)! I recommend the daily healing sessions, because the amount of energy healing everybody receives is so much more (compared to occasional private sessions) and it accumulates faster, and the positive changes are also much faster and motivating for everyone. Receiving energy work every single day does make a difference!

For more, visit the FAQ page

May my energy healing services reach the right people at the right time for their highest good and may all of them benefit from it as much as possible.